Dear Partners,
Welcome to the latest edition of Families First News. The beginning of the new year has been very busy for all early help services, with some great work taking place across the county and once again we have a very full edition. We have great news on the Supporting Families Earned Autonomy decision, along with information on half term activities, news on the Relationship Support Courses for Parents & Carers and much more.
Don't forget to visit our learning and development articles where you can find out how Hertfordshire County Council are funding free Mental Health First Aid Training for volunteers and staff at foodbanks, community spaces, faith and community groups.
In other news, the SEND Priority Action and Improvement Plan was published in January, in response to the Ofsted/ CQC Area SEND Inspection report.
The SEND inspection report for the Hertfordshire area partnership (covering the council and health services) gave us 2 "priority" areas we need to urgently fix, and 5 other areas where we must also show improvement. We have a detailed plan to make things better.
The plan was reviewed and approved by Ofsted/ CQC and is available to view on the Local Offer. The DfE have also issued an improvement notice to us today. This is standard practice in these circumstances and our Priority Action and Improvement Plan will ensure we meet the requirements of the notice. View the Priority Action Plan
We hope you enjoy this edition of Families First News and please encourage your teams to sign up to receive their own copy!
As always, please do let us have your comments and suggestions for what you would included in future editions by emailing familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
Thank you for reading,
Kind regards
The Development Team
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