Relationship Support - Courses for Parents & Carers
Family and Health Services Commissioning offer training, resources and courses for parents and carers to support the reduction of parental conflict and improve outcomes for children impacted by conflict.
Courses are for all Hertfordshire residents and include:
- OnePlusOne’s digital interventions – 3 online courses aimed at new parents, intact parents and parents that are separated
- Parenting When Separated – 6 week group based course for separated parents
- Relationship support for parents and carers of children with SEND – 2 online courses delivered by Family Lives for separated and intact parents and carers of children with SEND
- Stronger Relationships – 6 week online course delivered by the Race Equality Foundation to support separated and intact parents and carers, courses are also offered in other languages
Further details and how to refer can be found on Relationship support for parents | Hertfordshire County Council
Professionals Training
- Training in OnePlusOne’s digital offer to support professionals to feel more confident to identify conflict and use the digital resources to support parents and carers improve their relationship quality.
If you would like to access this training for free please contact