Herts Libraries Summer Reading Challenge
Hertfordshire Libraries are excited to let you know about this year’s exciting Summer Reading Challenge: Ready, Set, Read! The challenge aims to address a dip in reading levels that can often occur during the summer holidays.
Together with Youth Sports Trust, The Reading Agency have created a fun and engaging theme that will allow your children to be rewarded for reading for pleasure. Ready, Set, Read! is a sports and games themed challenge that aims to keep children's minds and bodies super active over the summer break.
Children will be able to join a superstar team and their marvellous mascots as they navigate a fictional summer obstacle course brought to life with illustrations by children's illustrator Loretta Schauer, rewarded by free incentives including stickers. After reading six books and completing the challenge children will receive a personalised certificate, a medal and a finishing gift and be entered into a prize draw for a creative workshop with Loretta Schauer herself.
Your children can sign up for free with a library card at any Hertfordshire library from 8th July, with a completion date of Saturday 2nd Sept (or 3rd if your local branch is open).
Last year Hertfordshire Libraries had over 16,000 children take part in the challenge, and we’d love to help each, and every Hertfordshire child to enjoy reading this summer.