The latest news
Congratulations to our Winners

On Wednesday 10 May we held our third Families First Awards which celebrates all of the excellent early help work that has taken place across the partnership.
The awards also coincided with the 10 year anniversary of Supporting Families so it was a good opportunity to recognise the contributions from across the Families First Partnership.

We had an amazing and worthy set of nominations and it was a tough process choosing the winners, but these winners truly have provided a great service in the last year in supporting young people and families and we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them once again on their work. A special thanks also goes to our host of the event Gary Mallett from the Children's Services, L&D team.
Individual Award Winners
The Collaborative Worker of the Year Award : David Golding, Community Engagement Team, formerly Hertsmere Borough Council
The Key Worker of the Year award : Fiona Girvin, Intensive Family Support Team, Watford & Three Rivers
The Admin Support Worker of the Year : Emma Christie, Gade Family Support
The Manager/Team Leader of the Year : Cheryl Bodrozic, Welwyn and Hatfield Local Schools Partners
The Unsung Hero Award : Jan Bergman, Group volunteer leader, Welwyn Garden City Home-Start Herts
The special recognition for Partnership School of the Year : Kings Langley Secondary School
Team Awards
The Creative Early Intervention Award : Dignify (sex education and online safety)
The Award for Services to Young People : The Young Peoples Sanctuary, Barnardos
Services to Families team of the year : The Harpenden Plus Partnership
Collaborative Team of the year : The Supporting Families Practice Team
Early Years Team of the year : Honey's Nest pre-school
Our Development Officer, Charlotte Jay took on the role of photographer for the event and you can view the full set of photos here:-
All nominees were recognised in a celebration slideshow which can be viewed here:-

Celebrating 10 Years since the launch of the Supporting Families Programme
Celebrating 10 Years since the launch of the Supporting Families Programme
The Supporting Families Programme (previously known as Troubled Families Programme) started out a decade ago and has been on a journey with families, local authorities and partners since it began in 2012. It has survived under three different government administrations and has continued to grow in scope and ambition.
The programme is based on the principle of a whole family approach, providing support to all members of the family, including children, parents and grandparents. The programme’s holistic approach helps families to address and overcome multiple challenges they might face by ensuring that families get support at the right point, in the right way as early as possible.
In Hertfordshire we responded to the programme by launching our early help approach, Families First, which brings together all partners in delivering early help. The Families First model is built on a strong partnership who help to shape the design, development and delivery of our early help system.
We know that by working effectively together to join up resources and providing support to families as needs emerge that we can be most effective in improving the longer-term life chances of children, young people and their families. Early help is vital in preventing contact with expensive statutory services. The Care Review highlighted many of the positive features of early help and has put it at the forefront of the agenda for supporting vulnerable families.
The Supporting Families evaluation has shown the programme has had a positive impact on the lives of families across England. For example, it found the proportion of children on the programme going into care reduced by a third; the proportion of adults receiving custodial sentences decreased by a quarter; juveniles receiving custodial sentences decreased by almost 40%; and the proportion of adults on the programme claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance decreased by 11%.
In May this year it was announced the government has agreed to transfer the responsibility for the Supporting Families programme from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to the Department for Education (DfE) from April 2024. This move forms part of the government’s ambitious set of reforms to drive improvement in the way we support families and protect children, as set out in the Implementation Strategy for children’s social care reform, Stable Homes, Built on Love. The DfE is committed to the full integration and successful delivery of the programme and there will be no impact on the funding available to local authorities or the programme’s payment model.
To celebrate the successes of the Programme, the Families First partnership have been reflecting on our achievements in Hertfordshire and the differences it has made to the lives of families. We have produced an infographic that highlights some of the key achievements, programme milestones and feedback received throughout the programme.

Early Help System Guide - survey for practitioners and managers
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities published the Early Help System Guide (EHSG) last year to help local areas with their self-assessment to support the refresh of their early help strategies and their future plans for early help. All upper tier local authorities in England are required to work with their partners to complete the EHSG by 16 June to inform future plans alongside the revised Supporting Families outcomes framework.
To aid local areas in this process they have provided a template with a set of questions that need to be given consideration. The framework has been designed through consultation with local authorities and other partners. The DLUHC requires each area to provide a summary of its responses; however, the results of the assessment will be used locally to enable the further development of early help and to ensure that our Early Help Strategy is kept up to date.
To help us with this assessment, we would be grateful if you can consider the questions in this survey.
Complete the survey here: -
Closing date: 16th June 2023
We would like to thank you in advance for supporting this work.
The Parenting When Separated courses have begun!
The Early Help Team are pleased to announce that the Parenting When Separated Programme has begun! It is a practical and positive evidence-based course for parents who are preparing for, going through or have gone through a separation or divorce.
It is a six-week course that highlights practical steps parents can take to help their children cope and thrive, as well as coping successfully themselves.
Topics include:
- Solving co-parenting problems in a positive way that focus on the needs of children.
- Cope with the emotional impact of separation and learn stress management techniques.
- Help your children cope with the impact of the separation both emotionally and practically.
- Enhance communication with their children and with their children's other parent.
The course is free to attend and is open to separated parents from all backgrounds. Both mothers and fathers, resident and non-resident parents. Both parents of the same children are welcome to attend though we recommend you attend separate groups.
Course details
Parents can request if they prefer to access the course online or in person on the referral form.
The course consists of six group sessions for up to 12 parents, each session will last 2 hours 30 minutes with a 15 minute break. We will meet all parents for an individual introductory meeting prior to the group starting to discuss your goals for the course.
Upcoming face to face sessions:
- Tuesday 13th June for 6 weeks at The Shephall Centre (1-9 Shephall Green, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG2 9XR) from 10am -12:30
Further course will be scheduled
How to register
You can be referred by a professional or parents can self-refer here
(If you would like to attend one of the scheduled dates, please add this in the any further information section at the end of the referral form)
For more information about relationship support visit Relationship support for parents | Hertfordshire County Council
Becoming Dad Workshop
The Early Years’ Service has been working with partners as part of the fathers programme group, which looks at engagement and support for new and expectant fathers. This has led to the commissioning of a trial period, from April, of the Becoming Dad workshop (developed by the Fatherhood Institute), facilitated by trained staff within the Family Centre Service. The workshop offers an informal and relaxed space for fathers to talk through any thoughts and challenges during their transition into parenthood, where fathers learn from each other, build up their peer groups, and engage with staff locally for any future support.
The aim is to reach as many fathers as possible during this trial, could I ask for those services working with expectant parents to be signposted to the Family Centre Service, where they can join the antenatal classes which includes Becoming Dad.
There is a QR code on the leaflet, to be shared with fathers, which takes them directly to the booking information; there is also an email address which can be used if there are any questions for the facilitators.
This presentation gives an overview of the workshop which professionals can look through for further detail.
Parenting Courses and Support
Below are links to some spring and summer parenting courses that can be shared with parents and colleagues:-
Families in Focus CIC have a number of courses starting in June 2023 that are fully funded and have limited FREE places available for parents living in Hertfordshire: Find out more Current parent courses – Families in Focus and booking is essential via Email:
Supporting Links have workshops that are running after half term for parents and carers of children with ASD and/or ADHD across Hertfordshire, funded by the Local Authority.
They accept referrals or parents can self-refer and book places via New What's On ( Each workshop can be attended by up to 90 parents.
Useful Food Aid Resource pack
HCC Public Health have put together a very useful directory of Hertfordshire based food aid providers, broken down by district.
This can be passed on to your networks, families etc and current listings can also be viewed in the Hertfordshire Directory
Want to add a service? Contact the Public Health Whole Systems Obesity & Food Insecurity team
Fit, Fed & Read still spaces for Half Term
Fit, Fed & Read
FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp places available for children aged 8 – 11
Places are FREE for families to access who are on Free School Meals and experiencing other vulnerabilities.
There is a camp running in a local school near the families you work with. These fully funded Holiday Camps aim to reduce the inequalities children within disadvantaged communities face, such as social isolation, physical inactivity, and holiday hunger.
Our camps work on a professional referral basis, so we look for agencies to signpost this provision to the children and families most in need.
In the first instance the family will be in receipt of benefit related FSM but it is also open to families where there are other vulnerabilities such as living in care, young carers, recent bereavement, domestic abuse.
We understand not all families in need meet the FSM criteria, and a small proportion of free places can be provided to families identified by those professionals working with them. A unique code can be issued only to those professionals to share with the family. Any services who work with vulnerable/eligible families and would like a code or wish to promote this further please email for more information.
East Herts (Sele) - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at The Sele School
Hemel Hempstead - Book a place on a FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Limewalk School
Letchworth - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Garden City Academy, Letchworth
St Albans - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Mandeville School
Stevenage - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Bedwell School
South Oxhey – Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Greenfields School
Waltham Cross - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Four Swannes School
Watford - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Ascot Road Primary School
Welwyn Garden City - Book a place on FULLY FUNDED Half Term Holiday Camp at Peartree Primary
HAPpy Camps
Holiday Activity Fund - Herts Sports Partnership (
Herts Libraries Summer Reading Challenge
Hertfordshire Libraries are excited to let you know about this year’s exciting Summer Reading Challenge: Ready, Set, Read! The challenge aims to address a dip in reading levels that can often occur during the summer holidays.
Together with Youth Sports Trust, The Reading Agency have created a fun and engaging theme that will allow your children to be rewarded for reading for pleasure. Ready, Set, Read! is a sports and games themed challenge that aims to keep children's minds and bodies super active over the summer break.
Children will be able to join a superstar team and their marvellous mascots as they navigate a fictional summer obstacle course brought to life with illustrations by children's illustrator Loretta Schauer, rewarded by free incentives including stickers. After reading six books and completing the challenge children will receive a personalised certificate, a medal and a finishing gift and be entered into a prize draw for a creative workshop with Loretta Schauer herself.
Your children can sign up for free with a library card at any Hertfordshire library from 8th July, with a completion date of Saturday 2nd Sept (or 3rd if your local branch is open).
Last year Hertfordshire Libraries had over 16,000 children take part in the challenge, and we’d love to help each, and every Hertfordshire child to enjoy reading this summer.

New dates: Herts Family Centre Service Community Parent cafe
HERTS Family Centre service launched some exciting Parents’ Community Cafes for families to attend, locations have been happening over the east quadrant for families to come and access a wide range of information and support from external partners.
Services are invited to the next allocated Parents Community Cafes and they are hoping that you will be able to support by providing a variety of enriched information and discuss in person with families the amazing services you are providing within the community.
There are a selection of dates in different locations for the community parent cafes, if you would like to take up this opportunity to showcase your service and support families within the community could you please contact the Community Engagement Lead, Lorraine Turner by email: by the 23rd of June 2023.
The Community Café posters can be displayed for families and more information about the Family Centre service can be found on this leaflet for professionals and the website: Family Centre Service (
Name of location
Barleyfield Family Centre ,Knebworth SG3 6FD
Tuesday 4th July
Selections Family Centre, Hertford SG14 2DG
Wednesday 9thth August
Greenfield Family Centre , Waltham Cross, EN8 8DH
Wednesday 19th September