Have your say on the future of the Family Centre Service in Hertfordshire
The Family Centre Service works with local midwives, GPs, health visitors, family support, childcare providers, and community groups, to support children, young people, families and carers, providing a range of opportunities to deliver:
- child and family activity sessions
- outreach support
- information, advice, and guidance
- parenting support and courses
- infant feeding support
- adult learning
- benefits advice
- volunteering opportunities
- information about getting employment
- support to parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
In 2024/2025, the Council’s contracts for the Family Centre Service are due to finish. There are two teams that make up the Family Centre Service: Family Support Services and Public Health Nursing.
This consultation only focuses on the Family Support Service element which is contracted by Children’s Services, and Public Health, who contract the Public Health Nursing teams, will be consulting on those at a later date. To ensure a comprehensive approach, we will incorporate the perspectives of children, parents, caregivers, and other professionals, through this consultation process.
We want to hear your thoughts about services for children, this feedback will be used to develop a new service specification and to confirm which of the current buildings should remain for service delivery.
The consultation will go live on the 18 July and will close on the 10 October, we are asking for staff to complete this as appropriate and share this with as many families as possible, to ensure we capture a robust representation of feedback.
The consultation can be found at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/familycentreconsultation