Early Help System Guide – Survey results
In our May edition of Families First News we asked partners to contribute to the Early Help System Guide self-assessment by completing a survey.
We would like to thank everyone who completed the survey and we are now pleased to share the results with you and we have extracted some of the key findings for this article (see below). The feedback was invaluable to evidence our strengths and areas which we need to develop further. The self-assessment came out positively.
Some of the highlights from the survey were that family engagement is very good and your feedback is that the principles of ‘Families First’ – one plan, one lead worker, whole family worker, capturing the views of the family – are embedded in practice. A good level of provision is in place to support the workforce in their learning and development and there are a good range of opportunities for networking. The level of engagement between the voluntary & community sector and public sector services is strong, but the devolvement of decision making to local communities, particularly service users, is an area for further development. Below we have selected some of the questions we asked and the feedback you provided.
Under the Section Family Voice and Experience, we asked:
Are all family members’ needs considered individually and as a whole?
The results showed that 56.9% of services do consider the whole family.
These were some of the comments made:-
- Family needs will be considered if the individual agrees and appropriate consent is obtained from the family members
- Not usually, we work on specific issues raised in the referral, and depending on what the needs are, depends on whose needs we consider. Invariably this is the Mum but sometimes we do speak to Dads too.
- Family needs are considered both on an individual basis, as well as the family as a whole throughout the assessment process through to intervention with the family
Under the Section Family Voice and Experience we asked:
Are the needs of families, identified through assessments, addressed, following support, so that they are better equipped to cope in the future?
The results 50% yes and 45% mostly yes
These were some of the comments made:-
- When families engage with the full process they are offered the required support.
- Yes, there is a strong emphasis on prevention and resilience supporting families to identify and develop their own support networks making best use of community assets.
- Yes usually when the family has engaged and the case is due to close, the Family School Worker will reiterate the support and work that has taken place pointing out where the family may have been struggling at the beginning of the intervention, to now at the end, where the family are more in control and can see the benefits and to empower them to feel proud of what they have achieved.
We will always have parents who need more support and come back to our service, but the majority are able to take ownership and move forward successfully.
Under the Communities section, we asked:
Are there close working relationships between public services and voluntary and community groups in your area so that families know where to go if they need help in their locality?
The results 33% yes and 47% mostly yes, 20% mostly no
These were some of the comments made:-
- Yes definitely. We as a service have lots of positive relationships with local churches, food banks, debt advice centre, Women's Centre, Family Centres etc and we promote these to our families regularly.
I make sure that representatives from these groups and agencies attend our team meetings if they can for a cuppa and to keep us updated on what they're offering.
This is also helpful for schools as members of school staff are able to contact us if they too, need advice and guidance.
- Many agencies still work alone and relationships between the various groups can be difficult
- There is a reasonably good working relationship between our service and local services and where a family does not meet our criteria they are sign posted to a more appropriate service. This also happens within partnership meetings and triage.
Under the Communities section, we asked:
Do you feel that you currently work within a community hub model where different teams work together to support the needs of families?
The results 36% yes and 41% mostly yes, 13% mostly no, 10% no
- Yes definitely, we have close links with DESC, the Family Centre, school nurses among others and sharing of information is invaluable to ensure work and support we offer, compliments and aids other work done previously.
- Sometimes there will be a really good joint up, multi agency approach. Sadly sometimes there is not but this will usually be from a couple of areas not one exclusively. Health, school, CS etc all play a part.
Again under Communities, we asked: Are families’ views reflected throughout the period they are receiving support?
The results 54.4% yes and 40.4% mostly yes, 3.5% mostly no, 1.7% no
These were some of the comments made:-
- Yes and this is documented throughout the time the family are open to us using our internal diary sheets.
- The voice of the family is always heard in TAF Meetings, home visits, one to one sessions and through intervention
- There are systems in place through Short Term Work and Family First Assessments that provide the opportunity to review and capture family's views.
We then asked: At the end of support, are families confident that they can navigate local services?
The results 20.6% yes and 69% mostly yes, 10.3% mostly no, 0% no
These were some of the comments made:-
- We signpost a lot to other services and agencies to support the families
- We like to empower our families by signposting and encouraging support wherever we can. This can depend on who we are working with and ascertaining the capability of the family. Those who struggle with technology, communication, language barriers etc are given more extensive support and may well be accompanied by their Family Support Worker to attend appointments at different agencies which they have found is really helpful.
Please contact familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk if you would like any further detail from the survey.