Outstanding by Ofsted!
Hertfordshire Children's Services were rated Outstanding by Ofsted.
What Ofsted said about early help in Hertfordshire:-
"Hertfordshire’s early help service and family safeguarding teams make a positive difference for children, identifying and tackling need early on and reducing the number of children who need to come into care".
"Children in Hertfordshire receive the right level of support at the right time. Practitioners undertake focused direct work with children and ensure that children’s and families’ experiences and views inform assessments and plans. Comprehensive early help assessments are completed. A range of practitioners with specific roles carry out focused work, with appropriate oversight and supervision. The resulting plans are thorough in identifying needs, actions, clarity of role and responsibility and timescales. When children’s circumstances improve or there are increased concerns, smooth transitions between early help and statutory services lead to families receiving support at the right level, ensuring that risk is escalated appropriately. This enables families to understand the nature of the concerns and what help is being offered".
Families First - Performance Data Report
You may be interested to view our Families First Performance Data report for the period April 2022 - March 2023.
The report looks at Families First Assessments that took place within the period and highlights the presenting needs and outcomes broken down by district along with information about other support for families.
The Families First Pledge
In Hertfordshire we have a shared vision that strong partnership working is a key component to our early help system. Our Early Help Strategy sets out the Pledge which explains Families First partners’ commitment to families and how we will work with them.
You can view or download a copy of our Families First Pledges here and use for discussion in your team meetings or display in your office etc.

Celebrating Excellence in Early Help

Following on from a programme of Celebrating Excellence in Early Help sessions run in Children’s Services last month, which aimed to highlight the Families First approach and also included contributions from some of our partners, we are sharing some of the recent case below:
Case Study 1 - Intensive Family Support / Local Borough Council
Scene Setting
The Intensive Family Support team (IFST) began supporting this family of nine in Spring 2021.
As support got underway the third youngest child Tia* was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour and the family are struggling coming to terms with Tia’s diagnosis and her life expectancy of one year. Tia is 11 years old.
On learning of Tia’s prognosis and following discussion with Keech Hospice an Occupational Therapist (OT) appointment was arranged for the family’s home. This assessment identified that the three-bedroom home was not suitable for end-of-life care and was not suitable for adaptation as the access was too narrow and steep for a ramp.
The Family Intervention Worker (FIW) made contact with the local Borough Council’s Aids and Adaptions Team for support.
Case Study 2 - Families First Assessment
Scene Setting
This case study provides some insight into the journey of Fran* and her family. Fran is an eight year old girl who worries about her mum, she knows mum is different when she is with her drinking friends. Fran’s Mum has a diagnosis of unstable personality disorder and has previously used drugs and alcohol as coping strategies, she has been in a cycle of poor mental health and whilst their wider family network have been supporting Fran and her mother they sought out some external support via a Families First Assessment.
Case Study 3 - Employment Adviser/IFST
Scene Setting:
This case study provides some insight into the support provided to Sanz* from one of our Employment Advisers. Our Intensive Family Support Teams include Employment Advisers who provide tailored support in areas such as employability; taking time to understand skills and experiences, any barriers or challenges preventing employment, identification of any training to support employability, preparation of supporting statements and CVs and job search support, including mock interviews.
Our Advisers can also provide guidance on how to navigate the benefits system, including benefit entitlements and claims, as well as how changes in circumstances impact benefits.
They work in parallel with Family Intervention Workers. This case study summarises support given to Sanz, the mother, to support with employability and benefits.
Please share anonymised case studies highlighting how early help and partnership working has provided support to local families with us at familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk. Please ensure you have consent from the family.
Call for Case Studies & Testimonials
As the Supporting Families Programme (formerly the Troubled Families) reaches its 10 year anniversary, we would like to recognise and celebrate all the great work that has taken place across the Families First partnership.
We are collating a selection of case studies, testimonials and photos from partners to showcase all the good work that has taken place.
If you would like to contribute please send any details to familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk