HENRY Healthy Families Programme - Next Rotation of Programmes, Spring Dates
The HENRY programme runs alongside BeeZee Bodies to offer parents with children under 5 a 8-week HENRY healthy families programme.
The programme is completely free for families and runs both online and face to face. Online is an hour session and face to face is a two hour session, with a creche available to parents. Our next rotation of programs will run in April on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Over the 8 weeks we cover the following topics using a partnership approach which is strengths based and solution focused.
- Session 1: Let’s get started (what’s a healthy person? Goal setting)
- Session 2: Balancing acts (balance of foods and looking after self in terms of ‘me’ time)
- Session 3: Needs and demands- parenting strategies
- Session 4: Tuning into mealtimes- healthy habits
- Session 5: Time to be active
- Session 6: Eating Healthily- lunchboxes, Portions and food labels
- Session 7: Let’s focus on feelings (listening and empathy)
- Session 8: The way forward (celebrating what parent have achieved and handing out certificates)
More information can be found here and referral form or can use the following link:https://beezeebodies.com/refer-a-client/.