February 2022

Families First News

Learning & development

Money Advice Unit - FREE Online Training

The Spring/Summer training programme from the Money Advice Unit.

We are pleased to be able to offer an increased number of courses in this programme. This is due to funding we have received from Building Life Chances and a number of these courses will be delivered on or behalf by The Benefits Training Company. The booking process remains the same though  - please complete the attached booking form and return to MAUtraining@hertfordshire.gov.uk.

Please note that places are restricted to two people, per course, per organisation and booking is on a first come, first served basis. 

Please use the electronic booking form; electronic signatures are accepted.

If you are a Training Manager booking on behalf of staff; please remember to provide the attendee(s) direct email address as well as your own, as this is where the calendar invites will be sent to participants. If all details are not provided, your booking request will not be processed.


Remember we also have a free online Universal Credit course available at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/benefits



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