Dear Partners,

Welcome to the March edition of Families First News for Hertfordshire's early help professionals! Spring is finally here and we hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and longer days.
As always, we have plenty of partnership news to share with you. Firstly, the HAPpy activity camps are returning this Easter, you can find out more about dates, criteria and locations, also HCC have launched a new Herts Card for families of children with SEND and families whose children are eligible for free school meals are now able to claim discounts in shops, sports clubs and children’s activities with a new Herts Card.
Would you like to learn more about Families First or do you have any new team members? You may want to attend one of our Families First online Induction days which are held quarterly across the county and are open to all professionals. Find out more here.
Finally, don't forget to take a look through our Learning and Development articles to see what is available for you and your teams. Along with our local news pages and vacancy page.
We hope you enjoy this edition of Families First News and please encourage your teams to sign up to receive their own copy!
The Development Team
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