Families First News

Stevenage & North Herts Local News

Updates from the local districts

Please use this page to promote any local events or webinars. Please send an email with the subject: FF News - Local News page with a link to your event and short description to familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk

  • Prince’s Trust TEAM are recruiting for the next cohort of the Prince’s Trust TEAM Programme for Stevenage and North Herts

    This cohort is aimed towards young people aged 16-25 years old who are currently not in education, employment or training and are based in or around the Stevenage area.

    This free 12-week programme allows our candidates to enhance their confidence, leadership skills, and employability, while working towards a Level One qualification in Employment, Teamwork, and Community Skills. The programme is full time and will be delivered through face-to-face learning and will offer a range of experiences tailored to the individuals we work with.

    Just a few of the exciting opportunities the young people will be offered on the programme will be: meeting new people, having new experiences (through a free 3 night residential trip), undertaking a community project, work experience, planning for the future through CV writing and completing application forms and ‘meeting a challenge’ by completing a community engagement project.

The next programme will be starting on Monday 15th January 2024 and will run Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:30pm for 12 weeks from Baldock Fire Station. 

We would love to speak to any candidates you feel would benefit from this great opportunity. You can download the referral form and we look forward to hearing from you regarding potential learners. To see more of what we offer please click on the link below:

Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Service (hopinto.co.uk)

  • Services for Young People (SfYP) youth work projects enable young people to develop their personal and social skills and increase their confidence, self-esteem and resilience. Get details of SfYP projects and information, advice and support services in your area here:
  •  LGBTQ plus group (View poster) – If you are part of the LGBTQ plus community in Hertfordshire and would like support with your #Wellbeing or are looking to connect with others, you can join our LGBTQ plus peer support group last Tuesday of every month 4-6pm in Stevenage.  Email admin@mindinmidherts.org.uk for more information.
  • A new Community Hub in Stevenage Old Town is now open every Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm. The aim of the hub is to support anyone who is approaching the end of their life (within 12 months) and those caring for them – the time before someone dies is a difficult one – many people don’t want to acknowledge what’s happening and that can be so hard for those around them. Find our more here www.annerobsontrust.org.uk


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