Families First News

Difference we're making

Safe Space Volunteers are "Human Angels"

“After Oliver speaks to his mentor Jamie he's like a bubble floating in the air.

We call Jamie our human angel”

Safe Space Mentoring is available to 11-19 year olds across Hertfordshire in year 7 -13 (up to 25 years for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities). The aim of the Mentoring programme is to equip the young person with the necessary skills to make informed and positive choices in their lives. It is made clear to the young person that mentoring is a positive step and not as a result of them doing anything wrong; mentoring is voluntary.

Read about a recent young carer who was referred to Safe Space mentoring by Carers in Herts in October and started working with his mentor, Jamie in November.


Families First - Performance Data Report

You may be interested to view our Families First Performance Data report for the period October 2023 - September 2024.

The report looks at Families First Assessments that took place within the period and highlights the presenting needs and outcomes broken down by district along with information about other support for families.


Amazing Feedback worth Celebrating

It's always good to hear positive feedback from a families, below is some lovely feedback sent to our Homelessness Prevention Team

Feedback from a parent, recently supported by Children's Services Homelessness Prevention Team

"You guys are heaven sent! Thank you so much I will be forever grateful, I was told by the Children's father that CS will take the children away, but he was wrong CS are there to help families in tough times, I was going through a very tough time, but you made things seem a little bit easier. Becky, you make me feel like I was talking to my mother, you are very motherly and have a good heart.

It is obvious you put your heart into your work and you are very caring and children sense a good person, Hallie loved you and was comfortable with you she knew you have a good heart!"

Parent, Jan25

Families First Case Studies

Following on from a programme of Celebrating Excellence in Early Help sessions run in Children’s Services, which aimed to highlight the Families First approach and also included contributions from some of our partners, we are sharing some of the recent case below:

Case Study 1 - Intensive Family Support / Local Borough Council

Scene Setting

The Intensive Family Support team (IFST) began supporting this family of nine in Spring 2021.

As support got underway the third youngest child Tia* was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour and the family are struggling coming to terms with Tia’s diagnosis and her life expectancy of one year. Tia is 11 years old.

On learning of Tia’s prognosis and following discussion with Keech Hospice an Occupational Therapist (OT) appointment was arranged for the family’s home. This assessment identified that the three-bedroom home was not suitable for end-of-life care and was not suitable for adaptation as the access was too narrow and steep for a ramp.

The Family Intervention Worker (FIW) made contact with the local Borough Council’s Aids and Adaptions Team for support.


Case Study 2 - Families First Assessment

Scene Setting

This case study provides some insight into the journey of Fran* and her family. Fran is an eight year old girl who worries about her mum, she knows mum is different when she is with her drinking friends. Fran’s Mum has a diagnosis of unstable personality disorder and has previously used drugs and alcohol as coping strategies, she has been in a cycle of poor mental health and whilst their wider family network have been supporting Fran and her mother they sought out some external support via a Families First Assessment.


Case Study 3 - Employment Adviser/IFST

Scene Setting:

This case study provides some insight into the support provided to Sanz* from one of our Employment Advisers. Our Intensive Family Support Teams include Employment Advisers who provide tailored support in areas such as employability; taking time to understand skills and experiences, any barriers or challenges preventing employment, identification of any training to support employability, preparation of supporting statements and CVs and job search support, including mock interviews.

Our Advisers can also provide guidance on how to navigate the benefits system, including benefit entitlements and claims, as well as how changes in circumstances impact benefits.

They work in parallel with Family Intervention Workers. This case study summarises support given to Sanz, the mother, to support with employability and benefits.


Case Study 4 - Local Schools Partnership

Case Study 5 

This case study follows a mum who suffers from depression and anxiety. She was distrusting of professionals due to a negative experience with Children's Services in another local authority. Dad had recently moved out of the family home so she cares for her three children alone. Read more about the support the family received and the tools mum now takes forward in her parenting skills.


Please share anonymised case studies highlighting how early help and partnership working has provided support to local families with us at familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk. Please ensure you have consent from the family.

Help us promote the Families First Website

Our Families First Website is a great central resource for early help support for families and young people, with links to many services such as mental health support, Services for Young People, SEND Local Offer, parenting courses etc along with a link to the Herts Directory and the Families First professionals area.

We would like to encourage all partner agencies to help us promote the Families First website to parents and carers in Hertfordshire.

Campaign Tools:

Please add the web address to your own website:- https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/microsites/families-first/families-first.aspx

Or use the QR Code for direct link to the Families First homepage:

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Social media

Please follow Families First on Facebook and X (Twitter)

Suggested post

Image to post on your own social media channels, with the suggested text:-

"All families need help and support at some point, please visit the Families First Website to find out about support available in your area". https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/.../families-first.aspx


Please download our poster and display in your public facing space.

Thank you in advance for your support with this campaign.

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