Families First News

Who's who

Who's Who in Supporting Families

Supporting Families Team

Head of Family Support : Karen Dorney

Service Managers:

Lauren Penrose - Service Manager, IFST and Safe Space

Simon Gentry – Business Manager

Sue Chapman - Service Manager, Families First Panels and Practice Team

Chris OConnor - Service Manager, Development Team

Intensive Family Support Teams

The Intensive Family Support teams (IFST) work with families with multiple and complex needs who would benefit from intensive support.

Find Contacts here:- Intensive Family Support Teams (hertfordshire.gov.uk)

Families First Coordinators - How can they support you locally?

As your local Senior and Families First Coordinators, we can offer support in all areas of the Families First Assessment. Please contact us if you are experiencing any difficulties or require further advice and guidance.  We can support you with challenges including:

Speak to someone (hertfordshire.gov.uk)

Development Team

To contact the Supporting Families Development team email familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk

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