Families First News

Nationwide call to surrender all zombie-style knives and machetes

You may be aware that from 24 September 2024, it will be illegal to own zombie-style knives and machetes as they will be added to the list of dangerous prohibited items already banned, including zombie knives, butterfly knives, Samurai swords and push daggers.

Ahead of the new ban coming into force, please ensure any child you are working with, where you have concerns that they may be carrying or associating with others who are carrying one of these weapons, is informed of this change in law and advised that up until 23 September 2024, they can surrender such weapons, safely, legally and without repercussions at police stations across the county.

In Hertfordshire the police stations to which weapons can be surrendered are:

After 24 September 2024, anyone caught with a zombie-style knife, or a machete will have committed an illegal offence and will face prosecution.

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