Families First News

Parenting Courses from SPACE

Looking to increase your understanding of Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse conditions? Our What is Neurodiversity, Understanding Autism, Understanding ADHD, Understanding Dual Diagnosis and Tourettes workshops are brilliant places to start.

For those of you who have already attended an ‘Understanding Autism’ workshop and would like to explore autism in a bit more depth come along to Autism Plus: Co-occurring conditions and Cognitive Theories.

Our Autistic Girls and ADHD in Girls and Women workshops will help you understand the particular challenges which girls face, including masking, and will help you support them.

We have workshops on PDA, ODD and ADHD You can book onto our always popular Sensory workshop and attend a workshop on Anger and Conflict.

Our Understanding Behaviour as Communication - A therapeutic Approach  looks at what lies beneath behaviour and introduces possible strategies to use to help de-escalate situations.

Our Navigating the SEND World workshop helps you unpick the jargon, understand your rights, apply for the right benefits, find out about services and support across health, education and social care and feel confident about what to do next and so much more!  We have also launched a Navigating the SEND World - Post 16 to help begin to prepare those of you with young people in their teens.

Supporting our children and young people with emotional regulation is always a priority. In our Understanding and Supporting Emotional Regulation workshop you will learn about arousal levels and anxiety and develop more of an understanding about our own emotional regulation as well as take away practical strategies and approaches to support regulation.

We are running workshops that cover the whole EHCP Process from New Application, what happens in the period from Submission to Finalisation and Annual Reviews.

Our Understanding Specific Literacy Difficulties workshop will provide you with more information about specific literacy difficulties including Dyslexia, unpick the profile of strengths and equip you with strategies and approaches for areas where support is likely to be needed.

We are also running our popular Anxiety and SEND and our Understanding Executive Functioning workshops and have a brand new workshop on Access Arrangements.


Book now for our free Autumn Workshops and Courses. No diagnosis is necessary.

The majority of these workshops are funded by Hertfordshire County Council’s Targeted Parenting Fund.

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