Families First News

News from Services for Young People

There’s still time to have your say on our future priorities

Services for Young People’s public consultation is open until 9 October 2023.

To support the developing priorities of HCC Children’s Services, and in response to budget challenges, we are looking at ways to redesign some of the services we offer to young people.

We want to hear from parents/carers, young people, professionals and other stakeholders about what they think our priorities should be. There is now a survey especially for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

If you haven’t already done so, please have your say by completing one of the surveys here:

Services for Young People projects restart for the autumn term from 11 September 2023

SfYP projects enable young people in all districts of Hertfordshire to develop their personal and social skills and increase their confidence, self-esteem and resilience. Young people can get involved in exciting activities and discussions, learn new skills and get support from our Youth Workers on any concerns they may have.

Full details of the 2023 autumn term projects for young people are now online.

New ‘Practical Partners’ project will enhance support for care leavers

Practical Partners, a collaboration between Services for Young People and GoVolHerts, will offer a new form of support for care leavers during their transition to independence.

From September 2023, young people in care and care leavers aged 16 to 25 in Hertfordshire, will be offered one-to-one support and guidance from volunteer mentors. The project aims to equip them with important life skills, paving the way for a successful future.

Would you be interested in volunteering to provide practical support to a young person?

Find out more and complete the expression of interest form here:

  • Practical Partners 

More news from SfYP


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