Families First News

Get Involved with the Herts Young Homeless Sleepover

The Sleepout shines a spotlight on homelessness in our local community, as well as raising vital funds for the five local charities involved.

For 25 years, Herts Young Homeless (hyh) has been proud to prevent youth homelessness, supporting over 26,000 young people. Sadly, our work is not yet done. We have seen increases in demand for our services as life continues to present new challenges for young people - our Advice Line has seen a 50% increase in calls over the last year. 

We have an ambitious target to raise £35,000, to help fund our vital services to ensure we can continue to support young people in Hertfordshire who are facing homelessness this winter.

As a close partner and friend of hyh, we would love to have your support. Whether that's rounding up a group of your friends, family or colleagues to take part, donating to our 'Sponsor A Sleeper' page, or helping us advertise the event, we would be grateful for any support you can offer

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