Families First News

For all Hertfordshire parents and carers of children aged 0-5

Public Health has developed a short survey to help understand the support that families need from Public Health Nursing, and to gain insights into families’ experiences with the service.  It would be very much appreciated if you could please help by sharing the below with families you work with? Deadline is 25 Sept - apologies for the tight deadline.

For all Hertfordshire parents and carers of children aged 0-5:

If you live in Hertfordshire and have a child or children aged 0-5, please complete this short survey to help us to ensure that Public Health Nursing Services meet the needs of Hertfordshire families:

Complete the Survey 

The closing date for responses is 25th September 2023.

The Hertfordshire Public Health Nursing service, which includes Health Visiting and School Nursing, is dedicated to providing valuable services to families, children, and young people. The Public Health team have developed a short survey to gain insights into families’ experiences with the current Hertfordshire Public Health Nursing Service and to better understand the support needed by families, children, and young people in Hertfordshire.

Your feedback is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of the current Hertfordshire Public Health Nursing Contract. This contract has been delivered by Hertfordshire Community Trust under a 5-year contract which began in October 2019.

The results of this anonymous survey will inform the next contract, which will commence in 2024. Thank you so much for your help.

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