Families First News

DHSC Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund for 2023/24 and 2024/25

The Department of Health and Social Care have launched the national £10m funding for VCFSE to promote suicide prevention.  I am attaching the form to complete if interested  in seeking our advice on your potential idea/application.

Please read the notes on the attached carefully and please look at the guidance below before completing and sending back to us.  We are sorry that the deadline is 1st October for submission of your bid to DHSC, which may not be much time and something we have no control over.  We will try to support you as best we can with advice, information and linkage to  our priorities.   

Announcement and How to apply

DHSC has launched a £10m Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund for 2023/24 and 2024/25, to support suicide prevention activities delivered in England by non-profit organisations.

The application period has opened Friday 25th August and remains open until 11:59pm on 1st October. Applications must be made online via the Find a Grant portal Suicide Prevention Grant Fund 2023-2025 - GOV-UK Find a grant (find-government-grants.service.gov.uk) unless exceptional circumstances apply.

Guidance can be found using the link above, providing further details of the objectives of the fund, the eligibility criteria, the objectives, dates, how to apply and other supporting information. DHSC will also be holding ‘Meet the Funder’ webinars for potential applicants to answer any questions. To sign up, please contact the team at SuicidePreventionGrant@dhsc.gov.uk

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