Families First News

Do you know someone who needs help improving their maths skills

Step2Skills Multiply workshops aim to help adults improve their number skills through practical activities. The workshops can help with tasks in daily life and also offer the opportunity to gain a qualification to support career progression.

Who is eligible?

Multiply is for people who:

  • Live in Hertfordshire
  • Are aged 19 or above
  • Do not hold a GCSE (Grade C or above) or an equivalent qualification in maths

What is covered?

Examples of topics covered are:

  • Money management
  • Making sense of numbers in daily life
  • Understanding Excel
  • Developing numeracy skills for healthcare
  • Using numbers while cooking
  • Using numbers in music


There are 14 learning providers who deliver the Step2Skills Multiply Project in Hertfordshire. To find one running near you, please visit the Services for Young People & Step2Skills website, where you can also find more detail about the project. 

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