Families First News

Learning & development

Mind in Mid Herts courses

Living Well Courses

Our ‘Living Well’ courses have been designed to support people make positive changes in their lives. Informed by psychological theories these guided self-help courses and workshops support you to understand your own experience and build new strategies to live a healthy life.

These online courses and workshops will be delivered via Zoom by an experienced Mind in Mid Herts trainer; giving you all the benefits of face-to-face support from your own homes.

You can book online at and take a look at all the courses and workshops that we are offering.

Mental Health Peer Supporter Open Courses

We are also offering Mental Health Peer Supporter Training Open Course online. This four week course certifies you to be a mental health peer supporter; supporting you to recognise the signs of mental distress and know how to respond appropriately.

By the end of this training delegates will have:

  • An in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • The ability to spot the signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
  • Understanding the roles, responsibilities and boundaries of managing mental health in the workplace.
  • An understanding of the knowledge, qualities and skills needed to support someone in distress.
  • Know how to support their own wellbeing
  • Knowledge of national and local signposting options.
  • Everyone who completes the course will get a certificate and a supplementary manual to support their learning.

To book your place on this course, you can do this online here.

If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact training@mindinmidherts.org.uk.

HSCP Learning & Development Programme

Following the virtual launch of the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership’s Neglect Strategy and Joint Campaign with the NSPCC, please see below a link to the Neglect Hub on the HSCP website. The resources available are as follows:

  • Neglect Strategy 2021-24
  • Practice Guidance
  • Neglect Strategy Toolkit
  • Link to the Graded Care Profile tool
  • The presentations from the launch by Dez Holmes, NSPCC and Operations Director, Matt Ansell
  • Posters

Neglect Hub Edge Browser

Neglect Hub Explore Browser

Year of Learning

Information for professionals and volunteers | Hertfordshire County Council

Sept 2021 - Child Sexual Abuse

June 2021 : Harmful Sexual Behaviours 7 minute briefing

May 2021: Female Genital Mutilation 7 minute briefing

The HSCP/HSAB Summer 2021 Newsletter is now available on the HSCP website – Newsletter Summer 2021

Spot the Signs & Emotional Wellbeing - training for professionals

Spot the Signs & Emotional Wellbeing is a fully-funded programme offering training and workshops to children and young people (CYP), CYP’s parents/carers and professionals working with CYP.

The programme provides psychoeducation, emotional resilience and signposting support to empower young people and the adults around them to feel confident enough to manage their mental and emotional health.

All sessions can be delivered in-person or online upon your request.

You can find more information about the training available.

Suicide awareness and prevention accredited course

Hertfordshire County Council have commissioned Harmless to deliver a an Suicide awareness and prevention accredited course.

Please note: you must be working in/supporting people who reside in Hertfordshire county to qualify for a funded place on this course.

The training package is an intermediate level for those who have already received basic/introductory suicide prevention training (or mental health training with a suicide prevention element). If you have not completed an introductory or basic level course do note Hertfordshire commission a range of courses, you can attend.

To express your interest in the Suicide Intervention Half day training please complete our online booking form via Eventbrite by using the following links. Or for more information or advice on the courses being delivered please speak to a member of the Let’s Talk Training team: training@harmless.org.uk

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Workforce development

The vision for Families First training and development is to create a skilled, confident and resilient multi-agency workforce that supports whole family working.

To support this, we have brought together training courses that are available to practitioners across Hertfordshire. We aim to add new resources to this page when available and we have recently added some resources on Trauma Informed practice. 

Please take a look at the page, bookmark and share with teams, where appropriate.

Workforce development (hertfordshire.gov.uk)

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