Families First News

Supporting with the Cost of Living - what professionals need to know

Webinar on 06 December, 12-1pm

Whether you interact with the public in your day job or as a volunteer, we understand how important it is that you can direct residents to trusted sources of help and advice in Hertfordshire when needed.

This webinar will help you identify when a resident may need support, be able to signpost them to a trusted source of advice, and know when and how to refer someone who may need more in-depth support from one of our specialist services in the County. You'll hear from services including Citizens Advice, the Money Advice Unit, Age UK and other professionals in Hertfordshire offering support to residents facing an increased cost of living.

Please note that this webinar will be recorded and published online so that other professionals that were unable to attend can still receive this information.

Please share this email through your networks so we can ensure all professionals will have access to this webinar. If you are interested in joining this webinar, please sign up using the link below.

Supporting with the Cost of Living - what professionals need to know


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