Families First News

Family Lives Summer Programme

Family Lives are delivering 4 Online parenting groups and 2 online workshops (via MS Teams), funded by Herts County Council, in the Summer term for targeted parents/carers who live in Hertfordshire or who have a child attending a Hertfordshire school.

All our programmes provide support, information and resources to parents/carers and adult family members so they can help their child reach their full potential.

Bringing Up Confident ADHD/ASD Children (6 weeks)  - New dates to be confirmed.

A programme to help parents gain a comprehensive understanding of ADHD/ASD and learn strategies to improve life at home and at school

Sorting Out Family Arguments (6 weeks) - Thursday 23 May to 4 July from 7pm to 9pm online Via MS Teams

A programme aimed at helping sort out arguments between parents and their children and between brothers and sisters

Less Shouting, More Cooperation (6 weeks) - Monday 3 June to 8 July 9.30am to 11.30am online via MS Teams

A programme to help parents be more effective at getting their children to cooperate and listen to them

Getting on with Your Pre-Teen/Teenager is a 6-week course running from Tuesday 04 June to 09 July 7pm to 9pm online via MS Teams

A course to help parents understand and get on better with their teenage children, maybe there is an FFA/CIN/CP in place and need more support.

Anxiety around ADHD WorkshopFriday 28th June 9.30am – 11.30am

Reducing Conflict Workshop – Thursday 11th July 7pm – 9pm

We accept referrals from professionals as well as self-referrals.  Please click Referral Form for Family Lives Herts Parenting Groups and Workshops

for the online referral form.


You can also email services@familylives.org.uk or call us on 0204 522 8700 or 0204 522 8701 for more information. 

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