New dates: Herts Family Centre Service Community Parent cafe
HERTS Family Centre service launched some exciting Parents’ Community Cafes for families to attend, locations have been happening over the east quadrant for families to come and access a wide range of information and support from external partners.
Services are invited to the next allocated Parents Community Cafes and they are hoping that you will be able to support by providing a variety of enriched information and discuss in person with families the amazing services you are providing within the community.
There are a selection of dates in different locations for the community parent cafes, if you would like to take up this opportunity to showcase your service and support families within the community could you please contact the Community Engagement Lead, Lorraine Turner by email: by the 23rd of June 2023.
The Community Café posters can be displayed for families and more information about the Family Centre service can be found on this leaflet for professionals and the website: Family Centre Service (
Name of location
Barleyfield Family Centre ,Knebworth SG3 6FD
Tuesday 4th July
Selections Family Centre, Hertford SG14 2DG
Wednesday 9thth August
Greenfield Family Centre , Waltham Cross, EN8 8DH
Wednesday 19th September