Families First News


Welcome to the May edition of Families First News - we really do have a busy newsletter with lots to update you on!

Firstly, it was great to be able to celebrate the good work taking place across the partnerships with our Families First Awards. We held a very successful afternoon tea for over 120 guests and with the help of Three Rivers District Council we were able deliver this event on a low budget!

We also have updates in the change to the Young Carers support which came into effect in April, we have a reminder about the Personalised Commissioning Fund available for families where there is need identified in the FFA, along with a link to the new Voice of the Child and Young Person toolkit for practitioners and much more.

Our Learning and Development pages have a link to the How to Guides for EHM users, along with the Practice Forums and Bespoke Training available for EHM users and Families First Assessment key workers and some other informative training opportunities.

We hope you enjoy the newsletter and find it helpful. Please also encourage your teams to sign up to receive their own copy!

As always please do let us have your comments and suggestions for what you would like us to include in future editions.

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