Families First News

Front page - Welcome


Dear Partners,

Welcome to our January newsletter and we hope you are all well and managing to stay warm!

Once again we have a full edition which includes dates for the half term Fit, Fed & Read camps, news on the new OnePlusOne relationship resources training available for professionals, we are also asking you to take time to complete our survey on Reducing Parental Conflict - the deadline is 27th January, so please complete ASAP.

Along with many more informative articles, we have continued to add to our Cost of Living page with key links for support available.

Families First Awards - Save the date

Our Families First Awards take place every 2 years and celebrates all the good work that takes place across early help services. We are excited to announce that this year's awards will be taking place at the South Hill Centre in Hemel Hempstead on Wednesday 10th May. Nominations will be open from early February and there will be 11 categories (5 team and 6 individual) - watch this space and save the date!

We hope you enjoy this edition of Families First News and please encourage your teams to sign up to receive their own copy!

As always, please do let us have your comments and suggestions for what you would included in future editions by emailing familiesfirst.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk.

Thank you for reading,

Kind regards 
The Development Team

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