Families First News

SEND Strategy 2022 - 2025

In addition to Plan for Children and Young People 2021-26 we also welcome a new SEND Strategy for Hertfordshire. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in developing the new SEND Strategy.  Now for the fun part: implementing it! 

It centres on 5 ambitions.  Many of them resonate with the Families First Partnership approach.  A key focus in the action plan is about improving how we intervene early when SEND needs emerge, so please do have a look at the strategy, discuss it in your team meetings and let us know about feedback or questions you have by emailing us SENDstrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk

 The 5 ambitions are:

Tailoring – we will plan and deliver services that are flexible, respect individual wishes and meet individual needs.

Enabling – we will continue to develop a skilled, learning workforce that strives for excellence and staff are proud of their own achievements and celebrate those of others.

Supporting – we will provide sufficient and appropriate provision in Hertfordshire and within their community to meet children and young people's wishes and needs.

Collaborating – we will work in partnership with other organisations to deliver the right services at the right time to prevent problems escalating.

Succeeding- we will support all children and young people with SEND to achieve success in all areas of life, understand the impact of the pandemic and work to ensure our young people achieve their potential.

The strategy provides a strong platform for our next local area SEND Inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  If you support children and young people with SEND, it worth familiarising yourself with the current guidance and framework, together with our key messages and Hertfordshire’s Professional Promise, as we prepare together with colleagues in health, education and social care, for this inspection.

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