Families First News

HABS Family Support Team - Hertfordshire Children Services Partner of the Year 2020

What a year for HABS (Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Settings)! We have secured an award that meant so much to the team. We have successfully created a new counselling provision alongside HABS called 'Strength in Mind CIC' which will continue to help our vulnerable Children, Adolescents in schools, and Adults in the local community with funded or affordable counselling to support with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. We welcomed 2 new members of staff to our team which will enable us to offer so much more over the next 2 years; even Covid-19 couldn't stop us getting out there, working face to face with our families.

The HABS team have also had another successful year with our Christmas appeal that supported families all over the Borough of Broxbourne. We are happy to say we were able to support over 240+ children with presents, supplied vouchers for food to over 60 families, and offered money towards gas and electricity for the festive season to over 50 families.

The feedback from parents has been fantastic with one local family saying

"I must admit I burst into tears when I opened everything, absolutely everything is so gratefully received. Between the cash for heating,
food vouchers and the lovely gifts. I am struggling to find the words to express how grateful I am and how much every single item is appreciated. This has been a godsend not just to help us when we are struggling to get back on our feet, but also with the pandemic unable to get out. Please pass on our thanks to every person or group that contributed to the donations, and to everyone on the HABS team, who since the first contact has really been an invaluable source of support at our lowest times, you work tirelessly and are so important not just for us but for everyone you help. Thank you so very very much."

We would like to thank the local companies, the schools and staff that came together, and the local community for all their support. You have all touched the hearts of so many families this Christmas.

If any families in Hoddesdon, Turnford, Broxbourne, and Wormley need any support please call our consultation number on 01992 303 331 (opt 5). Also, check out our Facebook page and Instagram page for up to date information and support.

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