HSCP Learning & Development Programme

HSCP provide a wide variety of learning programmes and workshops across Hertfordshire to develop skills for safeguarding children, young people and adults.
We use this page to give you some quick links through to the HSCP learning programmes:-
Recent 7 Minute Briefings
Free Mental Health First Aid Training

As part of the ongoing response to the cost-of-living crisis, Hertfordshire County Council are funding free Mental Health First Aid Training for volunteers and staff at foodbanks, community spaces, faith and community groups. We are working with Hertsmere Borough Council who are helping to co-ordinate this across Hertfordshire so please do promote to within your localities.
The 2-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses will be held on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March 2024, with further dates to be announced.
The course will take place at Farnham House, Stevenage. To register for the course, please follow the link below and ensure you input your full name and email address:
The link will direct you to a form in the MHFA England website requesting the following details:
- Name and email address
- If you require accessible course materials? YES/NO
If yes, to specify. For example: large print/video captions or materials compatible with a screen reader. You will not have to input your home or work address.
Please note:
Places are limited, register as soon as possible!
- Course delivery on the 25 & 26 March
- Course certificate sent via email once you complete the full course.
Hertfordshire County Council know many people visiting community spaces and foodbanks require support and we will be offering a Resource Guide, marketing information, access to Togetherall and free Suicide Prevention Training as additional help to organisations to aid all our residents in need. This is a partnership with Hertsmere Borough Council and are grateful for the work done by Jyoti Bhojani to commission.
Download the leaflet here
My Baby's Brain courses for professionals
You can now book onto our redesigned ‘My Baby’s Brain’ full day courses for professionals working with young children and parents:
My Baby
’s Brain introduces practitioners, who work with children aged 0-3 years old, to the key principals of neuroscience and how they can help parents, children and babies form strong attachments that will encourage healthy development.
My Baby’s brain has been redesigned and will now be delivered virtually over one day. We are also offering Deep Dive Webinars to delve into topics such as shame even further! The following trainings are available:
- My Baby’s Brain Universal (strand B) – 1-day virtual training for practitioners delivering targeted services to children and families e.g., Family Safeguarding and Specialist Services, Family Centre practitioners & specialist midwives.
- Monday the 12th of February 2024 at 9.30am-3pm
- My Baby’s Brain Deep Dive Webinar: ‘Beyond shame: developing a positive sense of identity’ - for practitioners who work with children aged 0-3 years old and their families that have already completed My Baby’s Brain training (strand A or B).
- Wednesday the 6th of March 2024 at 11am-12.30pm *Please note, content of this Deep Dive session is to be confirmed.
How to book your place: Those who have previously completed My Baby’s Brain training or are booked to complete strand A or B training will be sent a link via email to book a place on this training.
Link to book your place: Strand B Registration Link
You can find further information and check out Frequently Asked Questions at My Baby's Brain - for Professionsals (hertfordshire.gov.uk) or email us at ehcommissioning@hertfordshire.gov.uk
My Teen Brain - online training
The Early Help Commissioning Team are pleased to announce the upcoming FREE My Teen Brain Online Training course for Hertfordshire practitioners. This 1-day CPD course is for those working with parents of teenagers and/or working with teenagers in Hertfordshire. It provides an opportunity to understand teenage brain development and the adolescent developmental process and consider both risk and resilience. It includes ideas and strategies for professionals working with teenagers and their parents to help them cope with challenging feelings and behaviour and to support young people in an emotionally healthy context. The day brings together the latest understanding from neuroscience and developmental psychology and the principles of The Nurturing Programme from Family Links The Centre For Emotional Health.
It you are interested in attending one of the dates later in the year, please email EHcommissioning@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Money Advice Unit Training Programme, Winter 2023
The Money Advice Unit Training Programme and booking form for WINTER 2023 is now available.
All the courses are free of charge but please note we will only accept bookings from organisations in Hertfordshire. Due to demand, we only allow a maximum of two participants from each organisation per course.
If you want to book for more than one person, please complete a separate booking form for each person.
Once you return the completed booking form(s) to us, the attendees will receive a booking confirmation email within 5 working days. Please check your junk folder as sometimes our emails go to the junk folder straight away.
View the latest edition of Herts Adviser.
Workforce Shadowing
The vision for Families First training and development is to create a skilled, confident and resilient multi-agency workforce that supports whole family working.
Workforce shadowing provides a great opportunity to find out more about other services, what they do and how they might be able to support you in your work. It also enhances communication across agencies and helps strengthen and develop professional relationships, building local networks.
If you would like to organise a workforce shadowing placement for either yourself or a team member please complete the form on this page stating the service you would like to shadow and the preferred district and we will match you to a shadowing opportunity.
The following services have offered to host shadowing opportunities in either in person or virtually:-
- Citizens Advice (Broxbourne/St Albans/North Herts)
- Childcare provision
- Domestic Abuse Support
- Families First Panels Team
- Family Support Service, Family Centre
- Herts Mind Network
- Herts Sports Partnership
- MIND in Mid Herts
- ASB Team, District Council, Three Rivers
- Housing Support, District Council
- Intensive Family Support Team (IFST)
- Local School Partnerships
- Police
- Public Health Nursing
- Schools Early Years Provsion
- Specialist Adolescent Services Hertfordshire (SASH)
- Services for Young People
- Supporting Families Practice Team
Additionally, if you would like to add your service to the above list, again please email us with your contact details, service and district.
Please take a look at the page, bookmark and share with teams, where appropriate.
Workforce development (hertfordshire.gov.uk)
Suicide Prevention Training
The Suicide Prevention Network involves more than 20 organisations. Our vision is to make Hertfordshire a county where no-one ever gets to a point where they feel suicide is their only option.
Suicide Prevention Training Courses (suicidepreventionherts.org.uk)
Suicide Bereavement support
New upcoming dates for fully funded CDP suicide bereavement training, delivered by Harmless.
Those attending will benefit from the following learning outcomes:
- The magnitude of suicide bereavement
- Suicide loss as a unique form of complex bereavement
- ‘Complicated grief’, trauma, and other individual responses to suicide
- The wider impact of bereavement on those exposed to or affected by suicide
- The stigma and shame associated with suicide and bereavement
- Bereavement by suicide as a unique risk factor for suicide
- Responding to those bereaved by suicide, and how we can help to support them
- Key UK strategic guidance and research on best practice in shaping services to incorporate suicide bereavement support
- Postvention: what is means and why it matters
- A local service perspective: CHUMS work supporting those affected
Click here for more information, dates and booking details