Families First News

We need your help: Fathers and Male Carers Survey

You have previously helped us to promote the Support for Dads webpage and we would now like to ask for help and support in promoting a survey which is being run by the Early Years Service in Children’s Services.

Survey link: https://surveys.hertfordshire.gov.uk/s/GA68GM/.

The survey is aimed at dads and male carers to gather feedback to help make service improvements. We have added the survey link to the webpage and we also have some text and a direct link (below) along with an image which can be used for social media posts and a poster that can be displayed in public spaces. 

Along with your continued support in promoting the webpage, could we please ask for your help in promoting this survey (where possible) directly to dads and male carers.

Are you a dad, or dad to be? Do you want to help improve parenting support services for future dads in Hertfordshire?

By sharing your feedback, it will help services consider how they can make improvements based on your personal experience of the parenting journey. The questionnaire will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

Does your service work with dads and dads to be? Can you help us reach as many dads as possible through a brief questionnaire they can complete by scanning the QR code below or clicking the website link provided.  By doing this we can better understand the dads experience of the parenting journey and share this feedback with services who play a key role in providing parenting support in Hertfordshire to help us to grow and improve together, based on the essential voice of the dad.


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