Families First News

University of Hertfordshire Festival of Ideas

Save the Date!

Join us on 17 May 2024 as we host a Sport for Good workshop as part of the University of Hertfordshire’s brand new Festival of Ideas - an exciting showcase of innovation that’s sure to inspire you!

Sport for Good workshop

12:45pm to 3pm on Friday 17th May

Harnessing the power of sport to create a safer society.

We all know how beneficial sport can be for health and fitness, but that isn’t all. Our panel of experts believes that sport can reduce crime, improve lives and make society safer. Come and discover how.

In this lively discussion we will explore the power of sport from a new perspective. We’ll consider the transformative potential that participation in physical activity has for creating safer communities in Hertfordshire and beyond. And we’ll have a thought-provoking debate about the different ways sport can be a catalyst for positive change. 

The panel will share evidence-based, professional strategies for utilising sport to tackle crime and violence, and stories of lived experiences in a session that will leave you with a deeper appreciation of the positive power of sport. 

Book your free tickets here.

How to book your sessions:

  1. Click on the ‘Book your free tickets’ button above to browse the full line up of free sessions at the Festival of Ideas.
  2. Once you’ve chosen the sessions you would like to attend and completed your details, submit the form.
  3. Look out for your email confirmation and put the date in your diary!


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