Families First News

New Early Years Pathway to Support Parents

Over the last 8 months a multiagency group which included HCC (Hertfordshire County Council), HCPI (Hertfordshire Parent Carer Involvement), Family Support and PHN team (Public Health Nursing) has been working on the development of an EY Pathway to inform parents of the EY (Early Years) journey and how to access support from all of our services if they have concerns about their child’s development.

The EY pathway has now been printed which includes a link tree with links to all services which gives further information to parents in an easy and accessible format. The colourful and fun but informative EY pathway is given out to parents and is being placed in the personal child health record (PCHR, also known as red book) as part of the New Birth visit and to any parent that attends any appointment with the Health Visiting team.

Please see a copy of the pathway below and scan the QR code to see the links.

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