Families First News

Hertfordshire's Neurodiversity Support Hub

Following a pilot phase, Hertfordshire's Neurodiversity Support Hub is being rolled out across Hertfordshire thanks to funding from both Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and the NHS.  The Hub has initially been funded until the end of March 2025 and ADD-Vance have been commissioned to run the Hub, which is open Monday - Friday 9am-1pm

The Hub is staffed by experts by experience, they can answer any questions to do with Neurodiversity, however big or small, or just be a listening ear.  Please note, no diagnosis is required to access the support and the helpline is open to parents, carers and professionals

The Hub can be contacted by phone on 01727 833963, with an answerphone facility for out of hours or by email at supporthub@add-vance.org

Please also watch and share with your patients this short digital animation: Your guide to ADHD and Autism support in Hertfordshire - YouTube

The feedback received so far about the new hub has been fantastic:

"I was stuck in a moment where I didn’t know which way to turn. Your helpline saved me today and put me in the right direction, made me feel less alone and has given me hope. thank you, I feel stronger just by knowing what to do next."
"I was feeling especially low and unsupported as a neurodivergent parent with neurodivergent kids. The call was such a life-line and the practical resources emailed to me afterwards are very useful. All in all, your service has kept me going during a particularly difficult time. Thank you."
"Amazing support. I was lost without L’s help, experience, advice, and support. I felt overwhelmed and now feel very supported and have direction. I felt I was heard and had the time and space I needed and could speak without being judged and ask anything. This service is incredible!"

There are also some new digital webinars which parent, carers and professionals can access on demand:

  • Understanding Autism
  • Understanding ADHD
  • Navigating the SEND world
  • Navigating the SEND world post 16.  

Over the coming months the hub team will be expanding this offer to include several other topics. View the webinars here: SEND documents and resources (hertfordshire.gov.uk)

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